Our Story Called by God to raise up ministers, missionaries and intercessors. Bart and Shari Willoughby have answered the call to establish an apostolic work within Central and Eastern Europe. To reach, win, disciple, and send out the former unsaved, but soon future world changers. To reach Europe…then the world.
The World Is Waiting for this Movement!! Bart and Shari Willoughby
Our Mission Our missions goal is to birth a movement of the Holy Ghost in the great darkness of Europe, taking back what was lost to agnosticism, atheism, and Islam. We focus on raising up leaders/ministers and training them for real and practical ministry with signs following. We know that Europe will not come to Christ without the demonstration of the power of God with miracles, signs and wonders! So, our mission is to reach Europe by empowering, teaching, and fathering/mothering another generation to know and walk in His power while preaching in streets, hallways, classrooms, cafes, but lastly pulpits.
Our 3 Greatest Prayer Needs Are
Protection against demonic attack and religion
Financial Provision
Supernatural Empowerment to Reach Europe, America and the World



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